Help - FAQ


Artists are the sole owners of their artworks posted on Uniquepedia. Uniquepedia does not take away the ownership of any artwork and does not mediate in the sale or contact between customers and artists.

How much does it cost to join Uniquepedia

You can join Uniquepedia, add your profile and your artworks for free. Clients will contact you directly at your email address. We do not charge any membership fees or commissions. You do not have to pay anything.

How much time does it take to create a profile

It only takes about a few minutes to add your profile to Uniquepedia. You need to upload your picture and add some info about yourself. Click a link "Join Uniquepedia for free" or "Add your profile" and fill out a short form.

How do you add your profile to Uniquepedia

- Click the link: "Join Uniquepedia for free" or "Add your profile"
- Add your profile photo
- Fill out the form. Make sure to use the English language to fill out the fields: city name, about you
- Click the link: Send form

The form will be submitted to Uniquepedia. Within 24 hrs you will receive an activation / confirmation email with the link that will allow you to register your account / add your artworks. 

How do you add your artwork to Uniquepedia

Option First:

- Click the link: "Register your account" in the email you have received from Uniquepedia after submitting your profile.
- Follow the steps and fill out the form.
- After registering your account you will be able to edit your profile and edit (add, change, remove) your artworks / products

Option Second:

- Click the link: "Click here to add new arts and products" in the activation email you have received from Uniquepedia
- Add images of your artwork. You can add max 10 images for one artwork
- Fill out the form. Make sure to provide all important details about the artworks you are adding (artwork's title, size and weight, price in USD, artwork's detailed description). Make sure to use the English language
- Click the link: "Submit your artwork"

If you want to add another artwork, please repeat the above steps. Your artwork will be approved and live on Uniquepedia within 24 hrs.

We recommend an Option First as after registering an account you will have a full access to your profile, artworks, products and you will be able to fully manage them (edit, change, delete) from your account.

How many artworks I can add to Uniquepedia

You can add unlimited number of artworks, as many as you want, making sure that you are adding them in the correct category.

How do you contact an artist regarding her/his artwork

- Click the link: "Acquire this artwork" under the specific artwork description
- Fill out the form
- Click the link: "Send a message"
- Your message will be sent to an artist who will contact you later directly