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Retired scientist, I was introduced to bronze sculpture by an African, Burkinabé, Kossy Traore. I first followed in 2018 an internship in France, Cévennes then I went to Bobo Dioulasso at the Taba Taba artistic center. I first make the sculpture in beeswax by modeling and sculpture with a knife. I then mold the piece in clay supplemented with fibers to avoid cracking. The next step is dewaxing by heating the pieces over a wood fire. It is this stage which gave its name to the technique of "cire perdue", although the wax is largely recovered and recycled. The founder, Kossy Traore, then pours the metal into the hollowed-out mold. Either bronze is used, either brass from the recycling of plumbing elements, or a mixture of the two metals. Once the mold has cooled, it is broken to discover the piece. After polishing, and welding if necessary, the part is patinated, i.e. colored by chemical alteration of its surface. Finally the piece is waxed or lacquered and fixed on its support. Thus each part is unique.
Beginner and devoid of artistic training, I benefit from the advice of several artist friends, in France as in Burkina Faso.