Painting gives me a sense of peace and quiet, it helps me to process life, reflect and simply enjoy the benefits of being creative, to get emotions out on the canvas. Also, painting allows me to express basic human emotions. For me is a constant search for the best way to interpret the ideas that I have about myself and the world I live in.
Each piece I create is simultaneously an extension of the past, where I have come from and what I have learned, and as well as a preview of the future, where I am going, and the impact of people that surrounded me during my life. All the changes I have been through all my life, living in different countries, sharing with other cultures, and living different experiences. Colors and textures have different personal meanings and have a connection with specific important persons in my life.
My artwork combines elements of impressionism and abstraction. Many of my paintings are inspired by great artists like Jackson Pollock, Piet Mondriaan, Pablo Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky, and Joan Miro.
Can you imagine a world without art and culture, without music, without cinema, without dance, opera, literature, poetry…? That world would be a very boring place. Devoid of imagination… Art is the one and the only thing that distinguishes us as humans beings from other species. Without art the banality of reality is intolerable… To paraphrase Nietzsche ‘We have art in order not to perish from the truth’.
If a viewer or an art collector stops for just a moment to view and reflect on a piece I have created, then I have succeeded in my work.