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Drawing is telling a story! Each work is a record of a concrete event, even though the graphic and expressive form is fictional and has no intention of being associated with a realistic or academic representation. The themes are approached in series ranging from 15 to 60 works on the same theme, allowing for a more exhaustive approach. The treatment of form and composition, although rooted in academic teachings, is approached in an individual way that does not seek any kind of reference or connection to the current aesthetic canons. The treatment given is only a manifestation of individual freedom, as well as, a free expression of communicational need, something that does not require the approval of the establishment. Additionally, the use of recycled technologies and media is transversal throughout the work. Furthermore, the constant use of strong and vibrant colours can almost be considered a personal inability. All in all, it is a projective work, however, completely open to multiple interpretations, where the spectator has the freedom to create its own story. The pleasure of doing this work is endless!